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Questions Exercises ≫ Question Words

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Question Words, by Victoria-Ladybug
Find this and other questions exercises in English Exercises .org

Holidays Exercises ≫ Listening And Answer The Quiz

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Listening and answer the quiz, by Cebas
Find this and other holidays exercises in English Exercises .org

The Ant And The Grasshopper

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 Choose  the missing words

1. The ants and the grasshopper live in the..... (field, forest, jungle)
2. They are good .....(friends, relatives, ).
3. The grasshopper ......( plays, sleeps, works) all day.
4. The ants are busy. they .... (play, sleep,work) all summer.
5. The ants collect food for the ....(summer,winter,autumn) .
6. "....(summer, autumn,winter) is not here yet", the grasshopper says.
7. Winter comes. The ants have lots of....(food, work,fun) .
8. The grasshopper has nothing to...(do,eat,drink) .
9. The ant says: " you played all ....(winter,summer,spring) .  Now you have to eat.






4 Exercises/45 Sentences Prepositions Of Time

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4 exercises/45 sentences Prepositions of time , by Irina
Find this and other prepositions exercises in English Exercises .org


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CLOTHES - BODY - SEASONS - NUMBERS, by iris sharony
Find this and other body exercises in English Exercises .org

Prepositions Of Time - IN ON AT

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Prepositions of Time - IN ON AT

Weather Exercises

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Grover reports the weather, by Vнctor Gayol
Find this and other weather exercises in English Exercises .org

Many или Much

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Тест на употребление форм глагола To Be

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Кто хочет стать миллионером

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Флеш игры для развития лексических и грамматических навыков .At The Shops

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Флеш игры для развития лексических и грамматических навыков. Around The Town

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обучение с приключением

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Do You Believe In Magic? If Not, Try This Game! Ты веришь в волшебство? Попробуй эту игру!

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Если любишь играть и хочешь выучить новые слова, мы приглашаем в мир:

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Let's Try To Write Your Own Story! Давай попробуем написать свою историю!

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Хотите поболтать с лучшим драконом в мире? Ему скучно без вас!

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обучение с приключением

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